Mike Conner


Recent Publications

Bennett, M. E., R.A. Gitzen, L. M Conner, M. D. Smith, E. C. Soehren, and S. B. Castleberry.  2020.  Interactions of soil and vegetation determine habitat for southeastern pocket gophers.  American Midland Naturalist 184:205-221.  DOI: 10.1637/0003-0031-184.2.205

Crawford, D., G. Morris, L. M. Conner, and M. J. Cherry.  Predation risk increases heterogeneity in white-tailed deer diel activity patterns.  2020.  Behavioral Ecology.  DOI: 10.1093/beheco/araa089

Duncan, S., J. T. Pynne, E. E. Parsons, R. Fletcher, J. Austin, S. Castleberry, L. M. Conner, M. Barbour, and R. A. McCleerry.  2020.  Land use and cover effects on a declining fossorial mammal.  Forest Ecology and Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117642

Jorge, M., L. M. Conner, E. P. Garrison, and M. J. Cherry.  2020.  Fire and land cover drive predator abundances in a pyric landscape.  Forest Ecology and Management 461:117939. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.117939

Potash, A. D., D. U. Greene, V. L. Mathis, B. Baiser, L. M. Conner, and R. A. McCleery.  2020.  Ecological drivers of eastern fox squirrel pelage polymorphism.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:119.  DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00119

Potash, A. D., D. U. Greene, V. Mathis, L. M. Conner, and R. A. McCleery.  2020.  A comparison of pelage color measurements using a digital color sensor and photograph analysis. Current Zoology. DOI: 10.1093/cz/zoaa016.

Potash, A., C. M. Murphy, J. T. Pynne, R. A. McCleery, L. M. Conner, S. B. Castleberry, and L. L. Smith.  2020.  Eastern fox squirrel observed using a gopher tortoise burrow.  Southeastern Naturalist DOI: 10.1656/058.019.0109

Turner, K. L., L. M. Conner, and J. C. Beasley.  2020.  Effect of mammalian mesopredator exclusion on vertebrate scavenging communities. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-59560-9

Abernathy, H. N., D. A. Crawford, E. P. Garrison, R. B. Chandler, L. M. Conner, and M. J. Cherry.  2019.  Deer movements and resource selection during Hurricane Irma – Implications for wildlife and extreme climatic events.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2019.2230.

Crawford, D. A., M. J. Cherry, B. D. Kelly, E. P. Garrison, D. B. Shindle, L. M. Conner, R. B. Chandler, and K. V. Miller.  2019.  Chronology of reproductive investment determines predation risk aversion in a felid-ungulate system.  Ecology and Evolution. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4947

Gleim, E. R., L. M. Conner, G. E. Zemstova, M. L. Levin, P. Wong, M. A. Pfaf, and M. J. Yabsley.  2019.  Rickettsiales in ticks removed from outdoor workers in southwest Georgia and northwest Florida.  Emerging Infectious Diseases.  DOI:10.3201/eid2505.180438

Gleim, E. R., Zemstova, G. E., R. D. Berghaus, M. L. Levin, L. M. Conner, M. J. Yabsley.  2019.  Frequent prescribed fires can reduce risk of tick-borne disease.  Scientific Reports 9:9974 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-46377-4

McIntyre, K., L. M. Conner, S. Jack, E. Schlimm, and L. Smith.  2019.  Wildlife habitat condition in open pine woodlands: Field data refine management targets.  Forest Ecology and Management 437:282-294.

Morris, G., and L. M. Conner.  2019.  Mesocarnivores affect hispid cotton rat body mass.  Scientific Reports 9:14615.

Potash, A., L. M. Conner, R. A. McCleery.  2019.  Vertical and horizontal vegetation cover synergistically shape prey behavior. Animal Behaviour 152: 39-44.

Pynne, J. T., S. B. Castleberry, L. M. Conner, E. I. Parsons, R. A. Gitzen, J. D. Austin, S. I. Duncan, and R. A. McCleery.  2019.  Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) predation on a southeastern pocket gopher (Geomys pinetis).  Southeastern Naturalist 18: DOI: 10.1656/058.018.0301.

Moore, N.B., S. I. Duncan, E. I. Parsons, J. T. Pynne, J. D. Austin, L. M. Conner, S. B. Castleberry, R. A. Gitzen, and R. A. McCleery.  2019.  A new live trap for southeastern pocket gophers.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  DOI:10.1002/wsb.956

Wood, J. T., B. S. Cohen, L. M. Conner, B. A. Collier, M. J. Chamberlain.  2019. Nest and brood sites of eastern wild turkeys. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI:10.1002/jwmg.21562

CherryM. J., R. B. Chandler, E. P. Garrison, D. A. Crawford, B. D. Kelly, D. B. Shindle, K. G. Godsea, K. V. Miller, and L. M. Conner. 2018. Wildfire affects space use and movement of white-tailed deer in a tropical pyric landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 409:161-169. 

Gulsby, W. D., M. J. Cherry, J. T. Johnson, L. M. Conner, and K. V. Miller. 2018. Behavioral response of whitetailed deer to coyote predation risk. Ecosphere 9(3):e02141. 10.1002/ecs2.2141. 

Klopmeier, N. W., S. M. Pesi, G. Morris, and M. Conner. 2018. Sinkholes as a source of wildlife mortality. Southeastern Naturalist 17(4):N64-N67 

Little, A. R., L. M. Conner, M. J. Chamberlain, N. P. Nibbelink, and R. J. Warren. 2018. Adult bobcat (Lynx rufus) habitat selection in a longleaf pine savanna. Ecological Processes 7(1), 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s13717-018-0129-5. 

Potash, A. D., L. M. Conner, and R. A. McCleery. 2018. Extreme movements of an individual male fox squirrel. Southeastern Naturalist 17(3):N40-N43. 

Wood, J. W., B. S. Cohen, T. J. Prebyl, L. M. Conner, B. A. Collier, and Michael J. Chamberlain. 2018. Time-since-fire and stand seral stage affect habitat selection of eastern wild turkeys in a managed longleaf pine ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 411:203-212. 

Cherry, M. J., P. E. Howell, C. D. Seagraves, R. J. Warren, and L. M. Conner. 2017. Effects of land cover on coyote abundance. Wildlife Research 43:662-670. 

Cherry, M. J., R. J. Warren, and L. M. Conner. 2017. Fire-mediated foraging tradeoffs in white-tailed deer. Ecosphere 8(4):e01784. 10.1002/ecs2.1784. 

Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, J. C. Kilgo, M. J. Cherry, L. M. Conner, M. Vukovich, H. S. Ray, C. Ruth, R. J. Warren, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman. 2017. Are camera surveys useful for assessing recruitment in white-tailed deer? Wildlife Biology. doi 10.2981/wlb.00178. 

Conner, L. M., and M. J. Cherry. 2017. Considering herbivory and predation in forest management. Pages 141-152 in L. K. Kirkman, and S. B. Jack (eds.). Ecological Restoration and Management of Longleaf Pine Forests. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 

Darracq, A. K., L., L. L. Smith, D. H. Oi, L. M. Conner, and R. A. McCleery. 2017. Invasive ants influence native lizard populations. Ecosphere 8(1):e01657. 10.1002/ecs2.1657. 

Deuel, N. R., L. M. Conner, K. V. Miller, M. J. Chamberlain, M. J. Cherry, and L. V. Tannenbaum. 2017. Gray fox home range, spatial overlap, mated pair interactions and extra-territorial forays in southwestern Georgia, USA. Wildlife Biology. doi:10.2981/wlb.00326.

Deuel, N. R., L. M. Conner, K. V. Miller, M. J. Chamberlain, M. J. Cherry, and L. V. Tannenbaum. 2017. Habitat selection and diurnal refugia of gray foxes in southwestern Georgia, USA. PLoS ONE12(10):e0186402. 

Kirby, R. B., L. I. Muller, M. J. Chamberlain, and M. Conner. 2017. Hardwood management and restoration of longleaf pine ecosystems may affect raccoon daytime resting sites. Restoration Ecology 25:424-431. 

Morris, G., and L. M. Conner. 2017. Assessment of accuracy, fix success rate, and use of estimated horizontal position error (EHPE) to filter inaccurate data collected by a common commercially available GPS logger. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0189020. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0189020. 

Smith, L. L., J. A. Cox, L. M. Conner, R. A. McCleery, and E. M. Schlimm. 2017. Management and restoration for wildlife. Pages 233-251 in L. K. Kirkman, and S. B. Jack (eds.). Ecological Restoration and Management of Longleaf Pine Forests. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. 

Turner, K. L., E. F. Abernethy, L. M. Conner, O. E. Rhodes, Jr., and J. C. Beasley. 2017. Abiotic and biotic factors modulate carrion fate and vertebrate scavenging communities. Ecology 98:2413-2424.

Warren, A. E., S. B. Castleberry, D. Markewitz, and L. M. Conner. 2017. Understory vegetation structure and soil characteristics of Geomys pinetis (Southeastern pocket gopher) habitat in southwestern Georgia. American Midland Naturalist 178:215-225. 

Warren, A. E., L. M. Conner, S. B. Castleberry, and D. Markewitz. 2017. Home range, survival, and activity patterns of the southeastern pocket gopher: implications for translocation. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8:544-557. 

Block, W. M., L. M. Conner, P. A. Brewer, P. Ford, J. Haufler, A. Litt, R. E. Masters, L. R. Mitchell and J. Park. 2016. Effects of prescribed fire on wildlife and wildlife habitats in selected ecosystems of North America. The Wildlife Society Technical Review 16-01. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. 69 pp. 

Cherry, M. J., K. E. Morgan, B. T. Rutledge, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2016. Can coyote predation risk induce reproduction suppression in white-tailed deer? Ecosphere 7(10):e01481. 10.1002/ecs2.1481. 

Cherry, M. J., K. L. Turner, M. B. Howze, D. S. Cohen, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2016. Coyote diets in a longleaf pine ecosystem. Wildlife Biology 22:64-70. 

Cherry, M. J., R. J. Warren, and L. M. Conner. 2016. Fear, fire, and behaviorally mediated trophic cascades in a frequently burned savanna. Forest Ecology and Management 368:133-139. 

Conner, L. M., M. J. Cherry, B. T. Rutledge, C. H. Killmaster, G. Morris, and L. L. Smith. 2016. Predator exclusion as a management option for increasing white-tailed deer recruitment. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:162-170. 

Darracq, A. K., L. M. Conner, J. S. Brown, and R. A. McCleery. 2016. Cotton rats alter foraging in response to an invasive ant. PLoS ONE 11(9):e0163220. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163220. 

Kirby, R. B., M. J. Cherry, L. I. Muller, R. J. Warren, M. J. Chamberlain, and L. M. Conner. 2016. Indirect predation management in a longleaf pine ecosystem: hardwood removal and the spatial ecology of raccoons. Forest Ecology and Management 381:327-334. 

Little, A. R., J. F. Benson, M. J. Chamberlain, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2016. Survival and cause-specific mortality of female eastern wild turkeys in two frequently-burned longleaf pine savannas. Wildlife Biology 22:238-245. 

Little, A. R., M. J. Chamberlain, L. M. Conner, R. J. Warren. 2016. Habitat selection of wild turkeys in burned longleaf pine savannas. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:1280-1289. 

Little, A. R., N. P. Nibbelink, M. J. Chamberlain, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2016. Eastern wild turkey nest site selection in two frequently burned pine savannas. Ecological Processes 5:1-10. 

Morris, G., and L. M. Conner. 2016. Effects of forest management practices, weather, and indices of nest predator abundance on nest predation: a 12-year artificial nest study. Forest Ecology and Management 366:23-31. 

Cherry, M. J., L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2015-16. On guard: how coyotes affect deer foraging behavior. Quality Whitetails 22(6):36-38. 

Cherry, M. J., L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2015. Effects of predation risk and group dynamics on white-tailed deer foraging behavior in a longleaf pine savanna. Behavioral Ecology 26:1091-1099. 

Cherry, M. J., P. Howell, R. J. Warren, and L. M. Conner. 2015. Gopherus polyphemus (Gopher tortoise). Coyotes denning in gopher tortoise burrow. Herpetological Review 46:618. 

Colbert, D. S., J. A. Ruttinger, M. Streich, M. Chamberlain, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2015. Application of autonomous recording units to monitor gobbling activity by wild turkeys. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:757-763. 

Conner, L. M., and G. Morris. 2015. Impacts of mesopredator control on conservation of mesopredators and their prey. PLoS ONE 10(9):e0137169. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137169. 

Cherry, M. J., L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2015. Effects of predation risk and group dynamics on white-tailed deer foraging behavior in a longleaf pine savanna. Behavioral Ecology 26:1091-1099. 

Long, A. K., D. D. Knapp, L. Mccullough, L. L. Smith, L. M. Conner, and R. A. McCleery. 2015. Southern toads alter their behavior in response to red-imported fire ants. Biological Invasions 17:2179-2186. 

Nelson, M. A., M. J. Cherry, M. B. Howze, R. J. Warren, and L. M. Conner. 2015. Coyote and bobcat predation on white-tailed deer fawns in a longleaf pine ecosystem in southwestern Georgia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:208-213. 

Streich, M. M., A. R. Little, M. J. Chamberlain, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2015. Habitat characteristics of eastern wild turkey nest and ground-roost sites in two longleaf pine forests. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:164-170. 

Gleim, E. R., L. M. Conner, R. D. Bergaus, M. L. Levin, G. E. Zemstova and M. J. Yabsley. 2014. The phenology of ticks and the effects of long-term prescribed burning on tick population dynamics in southwestern Georgia and northwestern Florida. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112174. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112174. 

Hiers, J. K., J. R. Walters, R. J. Mitchell, J. M. Varner, L. M. Conner, L. A. Blanc, and J. Stowe. 2014. Ecological value of retaining pyrophytic oaks in longleaf pine ecosystems. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:383-393. 

Little, A. R., M. M. Streich, M. J. Chamberlain, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2014. Eastern wild turkey reproductive ecology in frequently-burned longleaf pine savannas. Forest Ecology and Management 331:180-187. 

Ruttinger, J. A., D. S. Colbert, R. J. Warren, L. M. Conner, and M. J. Chamberlain. 2014. Using thermal imaging cameras with radiotelemetry to locate roost sites of male wild turkeys. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:884-886. 

Cherry, M. J., M. A. Nelson, R. J. Warren, and L. M. Conner. 2013. Photosensors increase the likelihood of detection of expelled vaginal implant transmitters. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:846-850. 

Gleim, E. R. L. M. Conner, and M. J. Yabsley. 2013. The effects of Solenopsis Invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and habitat type on the survival of Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) and Amblyomma maculatum (Acari: Ixodidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 50:270-276. 

Karmacharya, B., J. A. Hostetler, L. M. Conner, G. Morris, and M. K. Oli. 2013. The influence of mammalian predator exclusion, food supplementation, and prescribed fire on survival of Glaucomys volans. Journal of Mammalogy 94:672-682. 

Smith, L. L., D. A. Steen, L. M. Conner, and J. C. Rutledge. 2013. Effects of predator exclusion on nest and hatchling survival in the gopher tortoise. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:352-358. 

Steen, D. A., L. M. Conner, L. L. Smith, L. Provencher, J. K. Hiers, S. Pokswinski, B. S. Helms, and C. Guyer. 2013. Bird assemblage response to restoration of fire-suppressed longleaf pine sandhills. Ecological Applications 23:134-147. 

Steen, D. A., L. L. Smith, L. M. Conner, A. R. Litt, L. Provencher, J. K. Hiers, S. Pokswinski, B. S. Helms, and C. Guyer. 2013. Reptile assemblage response to restoration of fire-suppressed longleaf pine sandhills. Ecological Applications 23:148-158. 

Steen, D. A., L. L. Smith, G. Morris, L. M. Conner, A. R. Litt, S. Pokswinski, and C. Guyer. 2013. Response of six-lined racerunner Aspidoscelis sexlineata to habitat restoration in fire-suppressed longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) sandhills. Restoration Ecology 21:457-463. 

Allums, S. E., S. P. Opsahl, S. W. Golladay, D. W. Hicks, and L. M. Conner. 2012. Nitrate concentrations in springs flowing into the Lower Flint River Basin, Georgia U.S.A. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48:423-438. 

Karmacharya, B., J. A. Hostetler, L. M. Conner, G. Morris, and M. K. Oli. 2012. Longleaf pine management practices and their impact on small mammal populations. Forest Ecology and Management 271:140-146. 

Zemtsova, G. E., E. Gleim, M. J. Yabsley, L. M. Conner, T. Mann, M. D. Brown, L. Wendland, and M. L. Levin. 2012. Detection of a novel spotted fever group Rickettsia in the gophertortoise tick. Journal of Medical Entomology 49:783-786. 

Conner, L. M., S. B. Castleberry, and A. M. Derrick. 2011. Effects of mesopredators and prescribed fire on hispid cotton rat survival and cause-specific mortality. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:938-944. 

Morris, A. D., D. A. Miller, and L. M. Conner. 2011. A comparison of ultrasonic detectors and radiotelemetry for studying bat-habitat relationships. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:469-474. 

Morris, A. D., D. A. Miller, and L. M. Conner. 2011. Home range size of evening bats (Nycticeius humeralis) in southwestern Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 10:85-94. 

Morris, G., L. M. Conner, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Effects of mammalian predator exclusion and supplemental feeding on space use by hispid cotton rats. Journal of Mammalogy 92:583-589. 

Morris, G., J. A. Hostetler, L. M. Conner, and M. K. Oli. 2011. Effects of prescribed fire, supplemental feeding, and mammalian predator exclusion on hispid cotton rat populations. Oecologia 167:1005-1016. 

Morris, G., J. A. Hostetler, M. K. Oli, and L. M. Conner. 2011. Effects of predation, fire, and supplemental feeding on populations of two species of Peromyscus mice. Journal of Mammalogy 92:934-944. 

Atkinson, C. L., S. P. Opsahl, A. P. Covich, S. W. Golladay, and L. M. Conner. 2010. Stable isotopic signatures, tissue stoichiometry, and nutrient cycling (C and N) of native and invasive freshwater bivalve. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29:496-505. 

Borgo, J. S., M. R. Conover, and L. M. Conner. 2010. Flying squirrel removal does not reduce their use of simulated red-cockaded woodpecker nest clusters. Southeastern Naturalist 9:813-820. 

Conner, L. M., J. C. Rutledge, and L. L. Smith. 2010. Effects of mesopredators on nest survival of shrub-nesting songbirds. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:73-80. 

Derrick, A. M., L. M. Conner, and S. B. Castleberry. 2010. Effects of prescribed fire and predator exclusion on refuge selection by Peromyscus gossypinus Le Conte (Cotton Mouse). Southeastern Naturalist 9:733-780. 

Hernandez, S. M., D. J. Gammons, N. Gottdenker, M. T. Mengak, L. M. Conner, and S. J. Divers. 2010. Technique, safety, and efficacy of intra-abdominal transmitters in nine-banded armadillos. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:174-180. 

Jones, D. D., L. M. Conner, R. J. Warren, and G. O. Ware. 2010. Effects of a supplemental food source and nest density on success of artificial ground nests. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 64:56-60. 

Kirby, J. D., J. C. Rutledge, I. G. Jones, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2010. Effects of time of day and activity status on bobcat (Lynx rufus) cover-type selection in southwestern Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 9:317-326 

Morris, G., L. M. Conner, and M. K. Oli. 2010. Use of supplemental Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) food by non-target species. Florida Field Naturalist 38:99-105. 

Temple, D. L., M. J. Chamberlain, and L. M. Conner. 2010. Spatial ecology, survival and cause-specific mortality of gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) in a longleaf pine ecosystem. American Midland Naturalist 163:413-422. 

Alstad, T. I., B. M. Shamblin, R. J. Warren, J. M. Stober, L. M. Conner, R. J. Cooper, and C. J. Nairn. 2009. Novel tetranucleotide and pentanucleotide microsatellite loci in the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis). Conservation Genetics Resources 1:213-215. 

Gammons, D., M. Mengak, and L. M. Conner. 2009. Armadillo habitat selection in southwestern Georgia. Journal of Mammalogy 90:356–362. 

Gammons, D., M. Mengak, and L. M. Conner. 2009. Translocation of nine-banded armadillo. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 3:64-71. 

Lynch, G. S., J. D. Kirby, R. J. Warren, and L. M. Conner. 2008. Bobcat spatial distribution and habitat use relative to population reduction. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:107-112. 

Perkins, M. W., L. M. Conner, and M. B. Howze. 2008. The importance of hardwood trees in the longleaf pine forest ecosystem for Sherman’s fox squirrels. Forest Ecology and Management 255:1618-1625. 

Turner, A. S., L. M. Conner, and R. J. Cooper. 2008. Supplemental feeding of northern bobwhite affects red-tailed hawk spatial distribution. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:428-432. 

Miller, D. A., and L. M. Conner. 2007. Habitat selection of female turkeys in a managed pine landscape in Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:744-751. 

Steen, D. A., L. L. Smith, L. M. Conner, J. C. Brock, and S. K. Hoss. 2007. Habitat use of sympatric rattlesnake species within the Gulf Coastal Plain. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:759-764. 

Stober, J. M., and L. M. Conner. 2007. Scent deterrence to reduce southern flying squirrel kleptoparasitism of red-cockaded woodpecker cavities. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 1:45-48. 

Borgo, J. S., L. M. Conner, and M. R. Conover. 2006. Role of predator odor in roost site selection of southern flying squirrels. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:144-149. 

Borgo, J. S., M. R. Conover, and L. M. Conner. 2006. Nest boxes reduce flying squirrel use of red-cockaded woodpecker cavities. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:171-176. 

Cochrane, J. C., J. D. Kirby, I. G. Jones, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. 2006. Spatial organization of adult bobcats in a longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem in southwestern Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 5:711-724. 

Miles, A. C., S. B. Castleberry, D. A. Miller, and L. M. Conner. 2006. Multi-scale roost-site selection by evening bats on pine-dominated landscapes in southwest Georgia. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1191-1199. 

Miles, A. C., D. A. Miller, S. B. Castleberry, and L. M. Conner. 2006. Bat community structure and activity in longleaf and loblolly pine forests of southwest Georgia. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 60:1-7. 

Plowman, B. W., L. M. Conner, M. J. Chamberlain, B. D. Leopold, and L. W. Burger. 2006. Annual dynamics of bobcat (Lynx rufus) home range and core use areas in Mississippi. American Midland Naturalist 156:386-393. 

Smith, L. L., D. A. Steen, J. M. Stober, M. C. Freeman, S. W. Golladay, L. M. Conner, and J. C. Cochrane. 2006. The vertebrate fauna of Ichauway, Baker County, GA. Southeastern Naturalist 5:599-620

External Grants and Contracts (Active during past 5 years)

Southwest Georgia Integrated Feral Swine Control Project.   $ 2,000,000 (Jones Center Contract $ 348,358).  NRCS.  Submitted 2019.  Funded 2020.  Project Duration 4 years.  Co-PI with Steve Golladay.

Removal and relocation of Geomys pinetis (southeastern pocket gophers) from highway GA-200 bridge replacement area in Newton, Georgia.  $28,284.00.  Funded 2017.  Duration 1 year.  Co-PI with J. T. Pyne and Steven Castleberry. 

NEON sites as a platform for transformative wildlife research.  $299,611.  National Science Foundation.  Submitted 2015.  Funded 2015.  Duration 2 years.  Co-PI with Bob McCleery.

Using an ecosystem engineer to restore functionality to natural pinelands in the southeastern United States.  $491,667.  State Wildlife Grants Program.  Submitted 2015.  Funded 2015.  Duration 3 years.  Co-investigator with Drs. Bob McCleery (PI), Bob Gitzen, and Steven Castleberry.

Movement Ecology of female wild turkeys during the nesting and brooding seasons on Silver Lake Wildlife Management Area.  $232,257.00.  Georgia Department of Natural Resources.  Submitted 2013.  Funded 2014.  Duration 3 years.  Co-investigator with Mike Chamberlain (PI).

Using wildlife habitat models to evaluate management endpoints for open pine woodland and savanna.  $132,000.00.  Gulf Coastal Plain and Ozark Plateau Land Conservation Cooperative.  Submitted 2013.   Funded 2014.  Duration 2 years.  Co-PI with Lora Smith.

Effects of hydrology, hunting, and predation on white-tailed deer dynamics in South Florida.  $1,162,602.00.  Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  Submitted 2014.  Funded 2014.  Duration 4 years.  Co-investigator with Richard Chandler (Co-PI), Mike Cherry (Co-PI), Karl Miller, and Bob Warren.

Seasonal movements and habitat selection of gray foxes relative to prescribed fire and hardwood removal.  Department of Defense.  $133,699.00.  Submitted 2013.  Funded 2013.  Duration 3 years.  PI with Karl Miller and Mike Chamberlain Co-investigators.

Development and evaluation of an unbaited camera survey technique for estimating relative abundance and demographic parameters of white-tailed deer.  $365,460.00.  Georgia Department of Natural Resources.  Submitted 2013.  Funded 2014.  Duration 3 years.  Co-investigator with Will Gulsby (PI), Mike Cherry, Charlie Killmaster, and Karl Miller.

Outreach Publications and Reports to Natural Resource Agencies (Past 7 years)

Gammons, D. J., M. T. Mengak, and L. M. Conner. 2005. Evaluation of attractants for live-trapping nine-banded armadillos. WSFR- Wildlife Management Series No. 4. 

Miles, A. C., S. B. Castleberry, D. A. Miller, and L. M. Conner. 2005. Bat community structure, bat activity, and roost site selection in loblolly and longleaf pine forests of Georgia: Final Report. Bat Conservation International.

Current Jones Center Research

Bigelow, S. W., S. B. Jack, S. T. Brantley, L. M. Conner, and L. L. Smith. Adaptive silviculture for climate change in southeastern USA. 

Brantley, S. T., L. M. Conner, S. Taylor, L. Giencke, G. Morris, and S. Stuber. Longleaf pine ecosystem study. 

Smith, L. L., S. W. Golladay, S. T. Brantley, and L. M. Conner. Geographically isolated wetlands in the Coastal Plain landscape. 

Conner, L. M., and L. L. Smith. The ecological role of mesopredators, the effects of mesopredator control and habitat approaches for managing predation.