Mike Conner, Ph.D.
Dr. Mike Conner’s research interests include predator ecology, the impacts of predators on prey behaviors and populations, the influence of habitat and habitat management on the predation processes, and understanding and mitigating impacts of invasive wildlife on native animals and their habitats. Dr. Conner is a Fellow in The Wildlife Society where he has served on TWS Council, President of the Georgia Chapter, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Southeastern Section of TWS. He is also active in the Hunting, Trapping, and Conservation as well as the Wildlife Damage Management TWS Working Groups. Dr. Conner also served for three years as an Associate Editor for the Wildlife Society Bulletin and the Journal of Wildlife Management. His outreach activities extend from his research interests and include seminars, workshops, and short courses on wildlife field techniques.
Gail Morris
Research Associate
Gail Morris received a BS in Biology from Muhlenberg College and a MS in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University of Florida. Her interests include small mammal ecology and effects of predators on prey behavior and population ecology.
Sullivan Kemp
Research Technician I
Sullivan Kemp graduated with a B.S. of Zoology from the University of Wyoming. They’re broadly interested in wildlife ecology and are always ready to take up any new research adventure. Their least favorite small mammal is the eastern woodrat (as shown). Their hobbies include hiking, drawing, picking up dead things and cooking!
Jordan Baron
Graduate Student
I am a Master’s student at Mississippi State University researching northern bobwhite winter resource selection and supplemental feed use. My interests include animal behavior, predator-prey relationships, and population dynamics. I got my B.S. From Bemidji State University in Minnesota. Before researching quail, I volunteered on Greater Prairie chicken and duck banding projects. In addition, I also worked on the Jones Center’s wild pig and meso-mammal projects.
My advisors are Dr. McConnell through MSU and Dr. Conner at the Jones Center. In my free time, I enjoy hunting, fishing, and long brisk walks through the wonderful second-growth longleaf pine forests we have here. Oh and maybe struggling to identify birds.
Lexie Dingerson
Graduate Student
Lexie graduated with a B.S. in Zoology from Southern Illinois University. She is a master’s student at the University of Georgia researching mesopredator camera trapping methods. Lexie’s interests include animal behavior, mammal ecology, and predator-prey relationships. In her free time, she likes to crochet, read, and cuddle with her cats.
Elizabeth Parsons
Graduate Student
Elizabeth Parsons is a graduate student at D.B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia where she studies bird and mammal use of geographically isolated wetlands. Her interests include mammal ecology, mammal habitat selection and behavior, and predator-prey relationships. She received her B.S. from Berry College in Rome, Georgia, and her M.S. from Auburn University. Elizabeth is an active member in The Wildlife Society and the American Society of Mammalogists. Outside of work, her hobbies include baking, gardening, and fishing. Elizabeth is co-advised by Dr. Steven Castleberry at the University of Georgia.
Justine Smith
Graduate Student
Justine Smith is a PhD student at the University of Georgia researching feral hog management practices and observing the ecological changes after removal. Her interests include animal behavior, social interactions, invasive species ecology, and further understanding habitat and wildlife management. She received her B.S. from Stockton University in New Jersey and her M.S. from the University of Georgia. Justine worked as a necropsy technician (on white-tailed deer) prior to arriving at the Jones Center at Ichauway. If you can’t find her in the field looking for pig damage, you may find her lifting in the gym, playing video games, watching Star Wars, or painting! Justine is co-advised by Dr. Mike Mengak at the University of Georgia.
Cole Wzientek
Research Technician
Cole Wzientek graduated with a B.S. in Wildlife from Purdue University. His interests include population dynamics, predator-prey interactions, community ecology, or really anything that’s small and fuzzy. In his free time, he enjoys baking, hiking, thrifting, and finding cool rocks.
Phoebe Soldi
Research Technician
Phoebe is a recent graduate from Purdue University with a B.S. in Wildlife and Aquatic Sciences. Her research interests are very broad and she has completed jobs and research projects doing a little bit of everything, with the intention of finding her niche in the field. When she is not working, her hobbies include hiking, reading, crocheting, and finding good local coffee shops!
Stephen W. Golladay, Ph.D.
Dr. Golladay’s interests include the ecology of streams and wetlands, the impact of human land use on water quality and aquatic invertebrates, and the impact of variation in hydrology on ecological processes and aquatic communities Recently, he has developed an interest in the ecology and conservation of rare and endangered freshwater mussel species.
Dr. Golladay has served as a technical advisor to the Sand County Foundation, Georgia EPD, DNR and Water Management districts in Florida. He has developed training activities for resource professionals in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dr. Golladay also has assisted in the development of programs to enhance the
natural resource awareness of regional educators in cooperation with regional Georgia Youth Science and Technology.