Now hiring: Mussel Conservation & Landscape Ecology Seasonal Technician

We are seeking applicants from motivated individuals for a Seasonal Research Technican to contribute to the development of a Habitat Conservation Plan for freshwater mussels. The successful applicant will assist with UAV stream surveys, use acoustic doppler on stream reaches, and conduct biological surveys for freshwater mussels. The position will work in a team setting, collaborating with the Jones Center Mussel Conservation and Landscape Ecology Research Teams. Applications reviewed immediately

Module 4: Putting it all together: Asking ecological questions

If you are interested in learning to use LiDAR for forestry and natural resources, this tutorial can help you get started. You will learn to extract data from lidar products like canopy size, tree locations, and elevation. You will also build a statistical model from lidar data to answer ecological questions

Module 2: Creating raster products from point clouds

If you are interested in learning to use LiDAR for forestry and natural resources, this tutorial can help you get started. You will learn to create raster products like digital elevation models and canopy height models. The tutorial also covers how to make your own custom functions to analyze LIDAR data.

Now hiring: Landscape Ecology Research Technician

We are seeking applicants from motivated individuals for a Seasonal Research Technican to help with upcoming studies on disturbance ecology and restoration in longleaf pine! Applications are due April 5, 2024.

Sen. Ossoff visits Ichauway, launches bill to improve data collection

Sen. Jon Ossoff visited the Jones Center at Ichauway to announce a bill that would improve data collection efforts of the US Forest Service. The new bill would authorize USFS to collect data on above and below ground carbon and adopt new technologies such as lidar. The bill is expected to improve data collection within the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis.

New study: Measuring complex forests with airborne lidar

A recent study from the Landscape Ecology lab led by Andy Whelan explores a new approach to improve large-scale measurements of forest structure using lidar. The study explored the use of “volumetric pixels” (or voxels) which have shown promise for forest measurement. The technique led to accurate estimates of wood volume, even when forest composition was unknown.