Module 7: Putting it all together (large-scale raster products)

If you are interested in learning to use LiDAR for forestry and natural resources, this tutorial can help you get started. You will learn to create products for very large areas, deal with edge effects, and use parallel processing for fast analyses!
Module 6: Speed up your analyses: Parallel processing with LAScatalog

If you are interested in learning to use LiDAR for forestry and natural resources, this tutorial can help you get started. You will learn to work with large LiDAR datasets, set processing options, and learn how to deal with edge effects. These skills will help you analyze large areas seamlessly!
Module 5: Speeding up your analyses: Reduced datasets

If you are interested in learning to use LiDAR for forestry and natural resources, this tutorial can help you get started. You will learn ways to help speed up and super charge your LiDAR analyses. This tutorial covers how to create spatial indexes for loading reduced datasets, subsetting to smaller scenes, and creating lower density point clouds.