Ecological Silviculture

Joshua Puhlick

Ecological Silviculture

We evaluate silvicultural strategies for adapting forests to future changes in climate, insect and disease outbreaks, and global markets. This includes strategies for making forests more resilient to future change such as maintaining a diversity of live tree and dead wood structure in forests. To inform adaptation strategies, we also conduct research to improve our understanding of natural disturbance regimes and stand dynamics, and how forests have been altered over time through changes in land use.

2020 ESA Annual Meeting

Tune-in to our presentations at the virtual Ecological Society Annual meeting: What has the greatest effect on sap-flow: a prescribed fire, a hurricane, or a solar

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2020 ESA Annual Meeting

Tune-in to our presentations at the virtual Ecological Society Annual meeting: What has the greatest effect on sap-flow: a prescribed fire, a hurricane, or a solar

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