Landscape Ecology

Jeffery B. Cannon

Research Publications

Authors in bold represent current or past students or staff of the Landscape Ecology lab. Article links point to publisher websites. Please contact us to request a free copy of any publication.

 Click the icon above to download a Curriculum Vitae containing a current list of all publications, presentations, and grants.


Smidt, M, M Musah, D Mitchell, JB Cannon, BK Via. (2024) Determining the extent of damage in snapped southern yellow pine trees with acoustic testing. Forest Products Journal 74(4): 271–277.

Photo credit: Chambers English

 *English, CJ, ‡SE Younger, JB Cannon, ST Brantley, D Markewitz, P Dwivedi (2024). Longleaf Pine Restoration for Water Yield: Economic Analysis with Federal Cost-share Programs. Trees, Forests, and People 17: 100600.

Photo credit: Chambers English

Goncalves Lazzaro, L, JB Cannon, MJ Aspinwell, HD Alexander (2024) Overstory and fuel traits drive moisture dynamics of mesophytic and pyrophytic leaf litter and 10-hour woody debris fuels in a mixed longleaf pine hardwood woodland. Fire Ecology 20: 63.

Cannon, JB, SH Scully, RS Taylor, CJ Peterson, T Newson (2024) Soil moisture increases stability of North American Pinus species growing in sandy soils. Forest Ecology and Management 565, 122009.

Cannon, JB, BT Rutledge, JJ Puhlick, JL Willis, DG Brockway (2024). Tropical cyclones stimulate cone production in the masting species longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). New Phytologist in press.

Hill, EM, MD Redmond, JB Cannon, S Ex, TW Ocheltree (2024). Canopy-mediated microclimate refugia do not match narrow regeneration niches in a managed dry conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management 553: 121566.

Arko, A, JB Cannon, A Himes, A Polinko (2024). The effects of a moderate severity hurricane on gap characteristics in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) woodland. Forest Ecology and Management 551: 121502.


Cannon, JB, CJ Peterson, C Godfrey, AW Whelan. (2023) Hurricane wind regimes for forests of North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (42) e2309076120

Younger, S,  JB Cannon, ST Brantley (2023). Impacts of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) on long-term hydrology at the watershed scale. Science of the Total Environment 902: 165999.

Whelan, AW, JB Cannon, SW Bigelow, BT Rutledge, AJ Sánchez Meador. (2023) Improving generalized models of forest structure in complex forest types using area- and voxel-based approaches from lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment 284: 113362.

Photo credit: Chambers English

Blaydes, SH, JB Cannon, DP Aubrey (2023). Modeling needle fuel dispersal in longleaf pine-dominated forests. Fire Ecology 19: 56.  


Pope, CA, JB Cannon, SW Bigelow, A Sharma. Effects of hurricane canopy gaps on longleaf pine and upland oak sapling growth. (2023) Forest Ecology and Management 529: 120684

Whelan, AW, JB Cannon (2023). Improving LiDAR techniques for measuring diverse longleaf pine forests. The Jones Center at Ichauway Publication Brief. (pdf)


Cannon, JB, LT Warren, GC Ohlson, JK Hiers, M Strestha, C Mitra, EM Hill, SJ Bradfield, TW Ocheltree (2022). Applications of low-cost environmental monitoring systems for fine-scale abiotic measurements in forest ecology. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 321:108973. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.108973

Photo credit: Chambers English

Gong, Yuan, CL Staudhammer, S Wiesner, Y Zhang, JB Cannon, G Starr (2022). Uncertainty in parameterizing a flux-based phenological model with ecosystem respiration: Evidence from two longleaf pine sites. Ecosphere 13:4101

Cannon, JB, SW Bigelow, JK Hiers, SB Jack (2022) Effects of silvicultural selection treatments on spatial pattern and dynamics in a Pinus palustris Mill. woodland. Forest Ecology and Management 505:119888.

Photo credit: Chambers English

Latif, QS, JB Cannon, E Chabot, R Sparks, (2022). Simulated treatment effects on bird species occupancy and richness inform landscape-scale dry conifer forest management. Ecological Applications 32:e2555.

Cannon, JB, S Elliott, KJ Warnick, JS Briggs (2022). Comparing changes in spatial pattern between collaborative restoration treatments and wildfires in the Colorado Front Range. Ecological Applications 32:e2490.

Cannon, JB. (2022) Fire & Wind. In Rutledge, BT and RK McIntyre (eds). 2022. Prescribed fire at The Jones Center at Ichauway: A 28-year case study. Newton, Georgia: The Jones Center at Ichauway. 29 p. doi: 10.58497/50713.

Bigelow, SW, AW Whelan, JB Cannon, G Starr, C Staudhammer, GR Kenney, ST Brantley (2022). Planted longleaf pine stands in the face of a tropical cyclone. In Willis, JL, AB Self, CM Siegert, eds. 2022. Proceedings of the 21st Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Gen. Tech Rep. SRS-268. Asheville, NC: US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station (pdf)

Cannon, JB, BT Rutledge, RK McIntyre, AM Holland, SB Jack (2022). Understanding wind risk to forests: Towards mechanistic models of wind risk in the southeastern Coastal Plain. In Willis, JL, AB Self, CM Siegert, eds. 2022. Proceedings of the 21st Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Gen. Tech Rep. SRS-268. Asheville, NC: US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station (pdf)


Peterson, CJ and JB Cannon (2021) Modelling wind damage to southeastern U.S. trees:  effects of wind profile, gaps, neighborhood interactions, and tree spatial distribution. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:719813

Barrett, KJ, A Schuetter, JB Cannon, AS Cheng (2021). Effects of collaborative restoration and adaptive management on forest structure and composition the Colorado Front Range. Forest Ecology and Management 488: 119018.

Bigelow, SW, CL Looney, JB Cannon (2021). Hurricane effects on climate-adaptive silviculture treatments to longleaf pine woodland in southwestern Georgia, USA. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 94(3) 395-406.

Rutledge, BT, JB Cannon, RK McIntyre, AM Holland, SB Jack (2021). Tree-, stand-, and landscape-level factors contributing to hurricane damaging in a coastal plain forest: Post-hurricane assessment in a longleaf pine dominated landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 481:118724.


Cannon, JB, BM Gannon, JA Feinstein, EA Padley, LJ Metz (2020). Incorporating spatially complex restoration objectives in planning and prioritization of dry conifer forests. Landscape Ecology 35: 2301–2319.


Cannon, JB, RK DeAngelis, WT Tinkham, EM Hill, MA Battaglia (2019). Modeling the effects of spatially heterogeneous restoration on the understory light environment in a mixed conifer forest. Invited submission to Forests 10: Paper 1015 [html]

Cannon, JB, BM Gannon, JA Feinstein, BH Wolk (2019). An assessment framework for dry forest conservation. Rangelands 41: 205–210 [html].

Peterson, CJ, GHP Ribeiro, R Negrón-Juárez, D Marra, JQ Chambers, N Higuchi, A Lima, JB Cannon (2019). Estimates of wind speeds necessary to topple central Amazon trees suggest that wind may be an extremely common agent of disturbance. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 92: 444–459 [html]

Gannon, BM, Y Wei, LH MacDonald, SK Kampf, KW Jones, JB Cannon, BH Wolk, AS Cheng, RN Addington, MP Thompson (2019). Prioritizing fuel reduction for water supply protection. International Journal of Wildland Fire 28: 785–803. [html]

Cannon, JB, SK Henderson, MH Bailey, CJ Peterson (2019). Interactions between wind and fire disturbance in forests: Competing amplifying and buffering effects. Forest Ecology and Management, 436: 117–128. [pdf]

Cannon, JB, BM Gannon, Z Wurtzebach (2019). Report on the potential application of landscape-scale analyses for assistance with Forest planning. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1910. [pdf]

Cannon, JB, BM Gannon, Z Wurtzebach (2019). Application of CFLRP monitoring to Forest Plan Monitoring of the Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute CFRI-1909. [pdf]

Cannon, JB (2019). Application of tools for modeling stand-level restoration effects on landscape-scale heterogeneity: Pilot study for Jefferson County Open Space. CFRI-1907. [pdf]

Morici, K, JB Cannon, B Wolk (2019). Mary’s Lake Monitoring Summary. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1906. [pdf]

Morici, K, B Wolk, AS Cheng, JB Cannon, EC Williams, MD Caggiano, H Brown, CM Hoffman (2019). Colorado Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant Program Monitoring Final Report. CFRI-1903. [pdf]

Williams, EC, JB Cannon, Upper South Platte Partnership Ecological Resilience Monitoring. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1902. [pdf]

Morici, K, B Wolk, JB Cannon, B Gannon, R Addington (2019). 2018 Ecological Monitoring Report for Peaks to People Water Fund Demonstration Sites. Peaks to People Water Fund. CFRI-1901. [pdf]


Cannon, JB, KJ Barrett, BM Gannon, RN Addington, MA Battaglia, PJ Fornwalt, GH Aplet, AS Cheng, JL Underhill, JS Briggs, PM Brown (2018). Effects of collaborative restoration treatments on forest structure and spatial patterns in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests of Colorado. Forest Ecology and Management 424: 191–204. [pdf]

Morici, K, and JB Cannon (2018). Photoload calibration of fine woody fuels in montane forests of Colorado: 2016–2017. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1812. [pdf]

Cannon, JB, KJ Barrett, BM Gannon (2018). Report on the potential application of CFLRP monitoring tools for development of Forest Plan monitoring. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1811. [pdf]

Chambers, ME, and JB Cannon (2018). Uncompahgre Plateau Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program: Ecological Impacts. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1806. [pdf]

Chambers, ME, and JB Cannon (2018). Uncompahgre Plateau CFLRP Gambel oak understory response to mowing and prescribed burning treatments study summary. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1801. [pdf]


Jones KW, JB Cannon, FA Saavedra, SK Kampf, RN Addington, AS Cheng, LH MacDonald, C Wilson, B Wolk (2017). Return on investment from fuel treatments to reduce severe wildfire and erosion in a watershed investment program in Colorado. Journal of Environmental Management 198: 66–77. [pdf]

Cannon, JB, CJ Peterson, JJ O’Brien, JS Brewer (2017). A classification of interactions between forest disturbance from wind and fire. Forest Ecology and Management 409: 381–390. [pdf]

Gannon, B, B Wolk, Y Wei, S Kampf, K Jones, L MacDonald, R Addington, T Cheng, JB Cannon (2017). Connecting forests and water: Fuel treatment assessment and planning tools. Colorado Water 3: 9–11. [pdf]

Barrett, KJ, PM Brown, J Clement, JB Cannon, B Wolk, AS Cheng (2017). Front Range Roundtable Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project: 2017 Ecological Social and Economic Monitoring Plan. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1705. [pdf]

Cannon, JB, ME Chambers, and AS Cheng (2017). Monitoring trends in forest spatial patterns: Uncompahgre Collaborative Landscape Restoration Program. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1703. [pdf]


Cannon, JB, J Hepinstall–Cymerman, CM Godfrey, and CJ Peterson (2016). Landscape-scale patterns of forest tornado damage in mountainous terrain. Landscape Ecology 31: 2097–2114. [pdf]

Ribeiro, G, JQ Chambers, CJ Peterson, SE Trumbore, DM Marra, C Wirth, JB Cannon, RI Negron-Juarez, A Lima, E de Paula, J Santos, N Higuchi (2016). Mechanical vulnerability and resistance to snapping and uprooting for Central Amazon tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 380: 1–10. [html]

Chaudhary, V, M Rúa, A Antoninka, J Bever, JB Cannon, A Craig, et al. (2016). MycoDB: A global database of plant response to mycorrhizal fungi. Scientific Data 3: 160028. [html]

Chambers, ME, JB Cannon (2016). Uncompahgre Plateau CFLRP Gambel oak understory response to mowing and prescribed burning treatments study summary. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1603. [pdf]

Cannon, JB, KJ Barrett (2016). 2016 Front Range CFLRI Monitoring: Progress, Outcomes, and Recommendations. Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. CFRI-1601. [pdf]

Peterson, CJ, JB Cannon, and CM Godfrey (2016). First steps toward defining the wind disturbance regime in Central Hardwoods Forests. In Natural Disturbances and Historic Range of Variation: Type, Frequency, Severity, and Post-disturbance Structure in Central Hardwood Forests, USA, C. Greenberg and V Collins, eds. Springer. [html]


Cannon, JB, MA Barrett, and CJ Peterson (2015). The effect of species, size, failure mode, and fire-scarring on tree stability. Forest Ecology and Management 356: 196–203. [html]

Cannon, JB, and P Brickman (2015). Helping students save: Assigning textbooks early can save money and enhance learning. Journal of College Science Teaching 44: 38–41. [pdf]


Cannon, JB, JJ O’Brien, EL Loudermilk, MB Dickinson, CJ Peterson (2014). The influence of experimental wind disturbance on forest fuels and fire characteristics. Forest Ecology and Management 330, 294—303. [pdf]


Cannon, JB, and JS Brewer (2013). Effects of tornado damage, prescribed fire, and salvage logging on natural oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration in a xeric southern USA coastal plain oak–pine forest. Natural Areas Journal 33: 39–49. [html]

Cannon, JB, CL Cantrell, T Astatkie, and VD Zheljazkov (2013). Modification of yield and composition of essential oils by distillation time. Industrial Crops and Products 41: 214–220. [html]


Brewer, JS, CA Bertz, JB Cannon, JD Chesser, and EE Maynard (2012). Do natural disturbances or the forestry practices that follow them convert forests to early-successional communities? Ecological Applications 22: 442–458. [pdf]


Zheljazkov, VD, CL Cantrell, T Astatkie, and JB Cannon (2011). Lemongrass productivity, oil content, and composition as a function of nitrogen, sulfur, and harvest time. Agronomy Journal 103: 805–812. [pdf]