New study: Precipitation can increase stability of some trees in wind storms
Root anchorage is one of the main drivers of tree stability in wind storms. Tree winching help to understand forces that tree can withstand. We compared stability of two pine species after wetting the soil and uncovered that wet soil can actually *increase* tree strength by add weight to the root mass. This experiment helped resolve a paradox of soil moisture by distinguish the opposite effects of long-term and short-term soil moisture.
New study: Protecting planted longleaf pine from severe winds
Planted stands of longleaf pine contribute to landscape-scale restoration of the ecosystem and the imperiled species it harbors. Yet frequent severe winds from hurricanes occur throughout its range. We surveyed planted stands of longleaf pine in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael. We found that damage increased with forest fragmentation and stands with increased taper were most resistant
Now hiring: Landscape Ecology Research Technician
We are seeking applicants from motivated individuals for a Seasonal Research Technican to help with upcoming studies on disturbance ecology and restoration in longleaf pine! Applications are due April 5, 2024.
MS opportunity: Disturbance interactions and tree mortality
The Landscape Ecology lab is teaming up with Dr. Timothy Shearman from Auburn University to recruit a motivated MS student to study how repeated prescribed fire influences mortality from hurricanes. Applications are due by March 1, 2024! Classwork will be completed at Auburn and fieldwork completed at the Jones Center at Ichauway. Please share this unique opportunity widely!