Now recruiting: PhD Research Assistantship in Forest and Fire Ecology

We are seeking motivated individuals to apply for a PhD research assistantship in Forest and Fire Ecology. The research will combine field intensive fuel, fire behavior, and regeneration data collection, mapping and processing, and capitalizing on existing and new data from the Ichauway Forest Dynamics Plot at the Jones Center. The student will be appointed as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) but will assist with teaching undergraduate courses in Forest Fire Management and Forest Ecology. Although a PhD student at Auburn University, the student’s work will be co-sponsored by the Jones Center at Ichauway. Applications reviewed February 28, 2025.
Lab’s mesophication work featured on Fire Ecology Chats Podcast (Ep. 37)

In this episode of Fire Ecology Chats, Fire Ecology editor Bob Keane speaks with Heather Alexander and Jeffery Cannon about reintroducing fire into mixed longleaf pine-hardwood woodlands, and how that will be affected by the shade-tolerant, fire-sensitive species that have grown during periods of fire exclusion.
Lab’s fire research featured on Fire Ecology Chats Podcast (Ep. 36)

In this episode of Fire Ecology Chats, Fire Ecology editor Bob Keane speaks with Doug Aubrey and Jeffery Cannon about better predicting the leaf litter component in a pine forest to better understand how fire might move through forests under different management scenarios.
Pardon our smoke: Prescribed fire season ramps up in Georgia

February and March bring “bluebird days” where weather conditions are perfect for using prescribed fire to help conserve and protect longleaf pine ecosystems and the native species they house.