Affiliate Lab: Mussel Conservation

Steve Golladay – Team Lead


Mussel Publications and Reports

Sweeney, L.C., N.R. Horn, S.W. Golladay. 2023. Mussels of the Flint River Basin: Descriptions, Life History, and Habitat. Self Published

DuBose, T.P., C.L. Atkinson, C.C. Vaughn, S.W. Golladay. 2019. Drought-induced, punctuated loss of freshwater mussels alters ecosystem function across temporal scales. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution DOI:

Smith, N. D., and S. W. Golladay, B. A. Clayton, and D. W. Hicks. 2015. Stream habitat and mussel populations adjacent to AAWCM sites in the lower Flint River Basin. In: R. J. McDowell, C. A. Pruitt, and R. Bahn (eds.). Proceedings of the 2015 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 28-29, 2015, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

Atkinson, C. L., S. P. Opsahl, A. P. Covich, S. W. Golladay, and L. M. Conner. 2010. Stable isotope signatures, tissue stoichiometry, and nutrient cycling (C and N) of native and invasive freshwater bivalves. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29:496-505

Golladay, S. W., and T. K. Muenz. 2009. Survey and relocation study of Unionids In Chickasawhatchee Creek and Elmodel Wildlife Management Areas, Southwest Georgia. Final Report. Submitted to Georgia DNR Natural Heritage Program, Social Circle, Georgia

Muenz, T. K., S. P. Opsahl, and S. W. Golladay. 2007. Current conditions of historical mussel habitat in the Flint River Basin, Georgia. Pages 475-478 in T. C. Rasmussen, G. D. Carroll, and A. Georgakakos (eds.). Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Chastain, C. A., T. K. Muenz, and S. W. Golladay. 2005. Pages 828-832 in K. J. Hatcher (ed.). Distribution of unionid mussels in tributaries of the lower Flint River, southwestern Georgia: An examination of current and historical trends. Pages 828-832 in K. J. Hatcher (ed.). Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Gagnon, P. M., S. W. Golladay, W. K. Michener, and M. C. Freeman. 2004. Drought responses of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in coastal plain tributaries of the Flint River Basin, Georgia. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19:667-679

Golladay, S. W., P. Gagnon, M. Kearns, J. M. Battle, and D. W. Hicks. 2004. Response of freshwater mussel assemblages (Bivalvia: Unionidae) to a record drought in the Gulf Coastal Plain of southwestern Georgia. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23:494-506

Battle, J., S. W. Golladay, and A. R. Bambarger. 2003. Mussel conservation in the Chickasawhatchee and Elmodel wildlife management areas: methods for a relocation study. Pages 860-863 in K. J. Hatcher (ed.). Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Johnson, P. M., A. E. Liner, S. W. Golladay, and W. K. Michener. 2001. Effects of drought on freshwater mussels and instream habitat in Coastal Plain tributaries of the Flint River, southwest Georgia (July-October, 2000). Final Report submitted to the Nature Conservancy, Appalachicola River and Bay Project. 34 pp

Golladay, S. W., P. Gagnon, M. Kearns, J. Battle, and D. W. Hicks. 2003. The effects of the 2000 drought on freshwater mussels in the lower Flint River Basin. Pages 635-639 in K. J. Hatcher (ed.). Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Golladay, S. W., P. Gagnon, M. Kearns, J. Battle, and D. W. Hicks. 2002. Changes in mussel assemblage composition in the lower Flint River Basin from 1999 to 2001: an assessment of the impacts of 2000 drought. Project Report Number 50. Final report submitted to the Georgia DNR, Atlanta, Georgia

Other Recent Publications (peer-reviewed):

Atkinson, C.L., A.J. Shogren, C.R. Smith, S.W. Golladay. 2023. Water availability and seasonality shape elemental stiochiometry across space and time. Ecological Applications DOI:

Atkinson, C.A., A.J. Shogren, C.R. Smith, S.W. Golladay. 2023. Ichawaynochaway Creek Data 1993-2022. Figshare Journal Contribution DOI: 22259536.v1

Shivers, S.D., S.W. Golladay, M.N. Waters, S.B. Wilde, N.S. Marzolf, A.P. Covich. 2023. Invasive species interactions affect nutrient cycling in a shallow reservoir: a mesocosm experiment. Lake and Reservoir Management

Sweeney, L.C., S.W. Golladay, J.L. Smith, F.E. Kruis, M.T. Mengak, L.M. Conner. 2023. Using water quality to assess the activity of wild pigs in a pilot management study. Odum School of Ecology, River Basin Center, Athens GA

Barrie, C.J., T. Rasmussen, S.T. Brantley, S.W. Golladay, E.W. Tollner. 2022. Creek-Aquifer Interactions on a karstic landscape in southwest Georgia. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies DOI:

Fallon, C.E., K.C. Kapps, M.C. Freeman, C.R. Smith, S.W. Golladay. 2022. Effects of stream intermittency on minnow (Leucisidae) and darter (Percidae) trophic dynamics in an agricultural watershed. Ecology of Freshwater Fish DOI:

Smith, C.R., S.W. Golladay, C.L. Atkinson, B.A. Clayton. 2022. Litter breakdown among intermittently connected and unconnected geographically isolated wetlands: How nutrient inputs alter wetland function. Wetlands DOI:

Golladay, S.W., B.A. Clayton, S.T. Brantley, C.R. Smith, J. Qi, D.W. Hicks. 2021. Forest restoration increases isolated wetland hydrology: a long term case study. Ecosphere DOI:

Golladay, S.W., L.S. Craig, A. Depalma-Dow, B. Emanuel, S.G. Rogers. 2021. Public engagement and water management: collaborating with those responsible for our water supplies. Freshwater Science DOI:

Golladay, S.W., L.S. Craig, A.D. DePalma-Dow, B.N. Emanuel, S.G. Rogers. 2021. Building resilience into water management through public engagement. Freshwater Science DOI:

Qi, J., S.T. Brantley, S.W. Golladay. 2021. Simulated Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) Restoration Increased Streamflow — a Case Study in the Lower Flint River Basin. Ecohydrology DOI:

Webster, B.C., M.N. Waters, S.W. Golladay. 2021. Alterations to sediment nutrient deposition and transport along a six reservoir sequence. Science of the Total Environment DOI:

Brantley, S.T., S.W. Golladay. 2020. Longleaf Pine Restoration for Water Resources. The Longleaf Leader 2:12-15.

Davis, J.L., M.C. Freeman, S.W. Golladay. 2020. Identifying life history traits that promote occurrence for four minnow (Leuscicidae) species in intermittent Gulf Coastal Plain streams. Southeastern Naturalist 19:102-126

Qi, J., S. Brantley, S. Golladay. 2020. Simulated irrigation reduction improves low flow in streams-A case study in the Lower Flint River Basin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies DOI:

Golladay, S.W., B. Emanuel, S.G. Rogers. 2019. Where has all the water gone: examining hydrologic change and human response in the upper Flint River, GA. Proceedings of the Georgia Water Resources Conference

Marzolf, N.S., C.R. Smith, S.W. Golladay. 2019. Limpkin (Aramus guarauna) establishment following recent increase in non-native prey availability in Lake Seminole, GA. Wilson Journal of Ornithology DOI:

McNulty, S., A. Baca, M. Bowker, S. Brantley, L.Mike. Conner, T. Dreaden, S. Golladay, T. Holmes, N. James, S. Liu, R. Lucardi, A. Mayfield, L. Smith, G. Sun, E. Treasure, J. Vose. 2019. Chapter 9: Forest Drought Impacts and adaptive management options for the Southeast United States. USDA Forest Service Washington Office, Washington DC DOI:

Rugel, K., S.W. Golladay, C.R. Jackson, R.J. McDowell, J.F. Dowd, T.C. Rassmussen. 2019. Using hydrogeomorphic patterns to predict groundwater discharge in a karst basin: Lower Flint River Basin, southwestern GA, USA. Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies DOI:

Smith, C.R., S.W. Golladay, S.W. Golladay, S.W. Golladay. 2019. Of limpkins and apple snails: invasive species, novel ecosystems, and an uncertain future. Proceedings of the Georgia Water Resources Conference

Brantley, S. T., J. Qi, and S. W. Golladay. 2018. Agricultural water conservation for streamflow in the lower Flint River. In cooperation with the Georgia Chapter of the Nature Conservancy.

Marzolf, N. S., S. W. Golladay, P. McCormick, A. P. Covich, and S. Wilde. 2018. Inter- and intra-annual apple snail egg mass dynamics in a large southeastern US reservoir. Hydrobiologia 811:155-171.

Shivers, S. D., S. W. Golladay, M. N. Waters, S. B. Wilde, P. D. Ashford, and A. P. Covich. 2018. Changes in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) coverage caused by extended drought and flood pulses. Lake and Reservoir Management 34:218-229.

Shivers, S. D., S. W. Golladay, M. N. Waters, S. B. Wilde, and A. P. Covich. 2018. Rivers to reservoirs: hydrological drivers control reservoir function by affecting the abundance of submerged and floating macrophytes. Hydrobiologia 815:21-35.

Atkinson, C. L., S. W. Golladay, and L. L. Smith. 2017. Larval anuran stable isotope signatures and stoichiometry across multiple geographically isolated wetlands in the southeastern United States. Southeastern Naturalist 16:87-104.

Patrick, C. H., M. N. Waters, and S. W. Golladay. 2017. The distribution and ecological role of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in a large and shallow reservoir. BioInvasions Records 6:39-48.

Smith, C. R., P. V. McCormick, A. P. Covich, and S. W. Golladay. 2017. Comparison of macroinvertebrate assemblages across a gradient of flow permanence in an agricultural watershed. River Research and Applications 33:1428-1438.

Tietjen, W. L., S. Becker, T. Muenz, and S. Golladay. 2017. Observations on the spider fauna of geographically isolated wetlands in southwestern Georgia. Georgia Journal of Science, Vol. 75, No. 2, Article 14.

Golladay, S. W., K. L. Martin, J. M. Vose, D. N. Wear, A. P. Covich, R. J. Hobbs, K. D. Klepzig, G. E. Likens, R. J. Naiman, and A. W. Shearer. 2016. Achievable future conditions as a framework for guiding forest conservation and management. Forest Ecology and Management 360:80-96.

Rugel, K., S. W. Golladay, C. R. Jackson, and T. C. Rasmussen. 2016. Delineating groundwater/surface water interaction in a karst watershed: Lower Flint River Basin, southwestern Georgia, USA. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 5:1-19.

Golladay, S. W., and D. W. Hicks. 2015. Using the Sustainable Boundary Approach (SBA) to assess and develop flow guidelines: the Flint River, Georgia. In: R. J. McDowell, C. A. Pruitt, and R. Bahn (eds.). Proceedings of the 2015 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 28-29, 2015, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

Marzolf, N. S., S. D. Shivers, S. W. Golladay, and A. P. Covich. 2015. Is environmental calcium availability limiting dispersal of an invasive snail in Lake Seminole and associated smaller lakes? In: R. J. McDowell, C. A. Pruitt, and R. Bahn (eds.). Proceedings of the 2015 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 28-29, 2015, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

Smith, C. R., P. V. McCormick, S. W. Golladay, and A. P. Covich. 2015. Invertebrate assemblage changes indicative of reduced flow in an agricultural watershed. In: R. J. McDowell, C. A. Pruitt, and R. Bahn (eds.). Proceedings of the 2015 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 28-29, 2015, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

Waters, M. N., S. W. Golladay, C. H. Patrick, J. M. Smoak, and S. D. Shivers. 2015. The potential effects of river regulation and watershed land use on sediment characteristics and lake primary producers in a large reservoir. Hydrobiologia 749:15-30.