Fishes of the Flint River Basin

The Aquatic Sciences Lab at The Jones Center at Ichauway is excited to share a compilation highlighting the incredible fish diversity of the Flint River Basin. Using a wide range of sources, we identified 92 species of fish present in the Flint River Basin, including native, endemic, threatened, and non-native species. Species designations and ranges […]

Lab’s mesophication work featured on Fire Ecology Chats Podcast (Ep. 37)

Episode 37: Overstory and fuel traits drive moisture dynamics of mesophytic and pyrophytic leaf litter and 10-h woody debris fuels in a mixed longleaf pine-hardwood woodland

In this episode of Fire Ecology Chats, Fire Ecology editor Bob Keane speaks with Heather Alexander and Jeffery Cannon about reintroducing fire into mixed longleaf pine-hardwood woodlands, and how that will be affected by the shade-tolerant, fire-sensitive species that have grown during periods of fire exclusion.

PBS features Landscape Ecology Lab’s tree winching research

Chuck visits the Jones Center at Ichauway and chats with Director Dr. Kier Klepzig about their work on the 30,000-acre property. They join Dr. Jeff Cannon in the field and help him with a bit of hands-on research into how much hurricane wind force it takes to fell a longleaf pine.